Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Agenda to Wipe out Women's Rights is Everywhere. Shocking that Our Corporations, Libraries, Women's Shelters, Universities, Grade School, High School, City Council, YMCA, Centrum, Unitarian Church, and so many others support so much hate toward women. Here is a Comment to the San Francisco Public Library about a TERF Display"

 "San Francisco Public Library

I was deeply saddened to see your Antifa/Degenerettes exhibit and the blatant violence towards women and "cis" people that it promotes. I understand that you have removed the "punch terfs" t-shirt on display. I ask you to please take down the entire exhibit, including the pastel-colored baseball bats used by males to intimidate lesbians at dyke marches.

The slur TERF, "transgender exclusionary radical feminist" has become a buzzword among certain transgender activists who malign any woman with privacy concerns as "transphobic," a crime that thus renders a woman deserving of being punched, raped (hate-fucked) or killed. It is particularly aimed at lesbians because their same-sex attraction means excluding males from their pool of partners.

Transactivists suggest that their violence toward feminists is justified because the exclusion of males from the category of womanhood promotes violence against transwomen. This is a falsehood built on a scaffolding of misogyny.

Firstly, the violence that transgender women face, like the violence faced by females, comes almost exclusively at the hands of other males. Yet there is no similar call to stop male violence or "punch transphobic men." Secondly, the belief that women don't have penises is not some rarified view held only by radical feminists.

On the contrary, the understanding that men are "adult human males" and woman are "adult human females" is nearly universal, and again, there is no call to "punch" Christians, or Muslims, or ordinary people who believe in biology. No, the call to "punch TERFs" rests on an idiotic lie that so-called TERFs are the only thing standing in the way of widespread global acceptance of gender-identity as an essential characteristic that supersedes biological sex. It's a blatant falsehood as demonstrated by the fact that radical feminists, who seek to dismantle patriarchy, have almost no power to carry out our agenda. Does anyone really think that the men who stab transwomen are taking their cues from radical feminists? Come on! STOP THIS MISOGYNISTIC NONSENSE.

I am a Bay Area native and a life-long leftist. I have been and advocate of lesbian and gay rights for thirty-five years. I have known transsexual women for decades and heard from many that they are appalled by these anti-TERF campaigns which advocate that young people, especially young males, assault women.

There is no evidence that a "TERF" has ever harmed a transwoman. There is, however, abundant evidence that transgender-identified males have assaulted, raped, and even murdered females. (See Dana Rivers, a male transgender activist recently arraigned for brutally murdering a biracial lesbian family in Oakland, or Pablo Gomez, a male gender-fluid Cal student who brutally stabbed a female to death last year).

This call for violence against women who question gender ideology is not rhetorical. It is an actual call that is gaining momentum. Just a few weeks ago, in the UK, a 25-year old transwoman was convicted of punching as 60-year-old "TERF." Please, STOP this call to violence. It is frankly appalling to see it supported by a public library."

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